Happy 2019, my friends! Always good to see you here. Thought I’d dedicate this post to my hopes during the course of the next 12 months, as most of us do the first few days of the new year. Not going to reinvent the wheel here…Just wanted to share the things I want to focus on.
People have such polarized opinions and approaches when it comes to new years resolutions—from those who think they’re futile, to those whom they energize, to those who set a million of them and stick to none. I love everything about them, despite the fact that I do fall short since I tend to set so many straight out of the gate. No matter where you land on the spectrum, I hope 2019 is full of life, love and accomplishments. Here is my list.
CONSISTENCY. Each year, I choose a word I’d like to focus on. Last year it was “intentional.” This year, I want consistency. Consistent in my efforts at work, in the gym, in investing in the relationships that matter most to me. More consistency when it comes to nutrition, self-care and my pursuit of passions. What would your word be?
KNOWLEDGE. Each year I strive to read at least one book a month, and one article a day. I find that when I’m reading more, I have more to talk about. Whether that’s at work, a dinner party or an event…It’s easier to find yourself engaged in an interesting conversation when you’re feeding your brain. In the same vein, a few years back I vowed to research things that I was unfamiliar with when I came across them. A word, a concept, a person…If I happen across something I don’t know, I stop and look it up. Knowledge on the spot.
ENTERTAINMENT. In 2019, I want to waste less time on meaningless television or radio. I don’t do much of this to begin with, but there is always room for improvement. This year, if I’m watching TV or a movie, it’s either teaching me something, is meaningful or is critically acclaimed. A couple weeks back I participated in a “Guess the Golden Globes Winners” competition. I had only watched two of the nominations. Not okay. This year I want to be more engaged in the entertainment people are talking about and watch more documentaries (if that’s possible). Plus—a pretty fun resolution!
HEALTH. I’m already pretty proud of my starting point with this one. But, as everyone does, I fall off the bandwagon from time to time. This year, I want to add more diversity to my routine, book more workout classes online, and streamline my meal-prep. The first week of 2019, I got a full blood test done for the first time ever. If there is something I can be doing, I want to be on top of it. And I hope you do the same!
PRIORITIZE. I think part of the beauty of getting older (and hopefully wiser) is that you start to prioritize the people and activities that serve you and feed your soul. You start to feel less guilty about saying no to that night out on the town, that concert, event—Whatever it might be. Looking back on 2018, I didn’t do so well in this category. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about saying yes to new adventures, meeting new people, etc. But you know your limits. I know mine. I’m an ambivert, so I need a lot of quality me time. In 2019, I want to get better at managing my time and energy.
Hope this post is inspiring, maybe helps you set the tone for YOUR new year. I’m always looking for new ideas and goals…Would love to hear what you’re focused on in 2019! xo, MM
Here’s my first attempt at making more breakfast smoothies this year. Chocolate banana + almond butter protein smoothie.
Girls weekends are the best! Catching up with my girlfriend from college, Kate, at Barrio’s in OKC.
One of my favorite me-time activities…Booking a tennis court and the ball machine!
Photo after my first full bloodwork was taken. This ties in with my health goals for the year. Interested to get my results back!